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Payday loans are often the last resort for cash-strapped individuals who need money fast even with a spotty credit record to their names Unfortunately there are unscrupulous lending companies who prey on such desperation
Often too separating the bad from the good in the online payday industry boils down to your ability to thoroughly research the company where you plan to take out cash advances on your next paycheck You can however look out for certain red flags that can help in initially limiting your choices
Asks for the Wrong Information
Online payday loans are premised on the concept that you can repay the loan because you have a job and a paycheck with which to pay it in full Thus when the online company asks for secondary information ie bank account number and social security number without asking for your primary information employers name address and contact number as well as number of years worked on the job and monthly salary then know that you are probably being scammed big-time
Legitimate lending companies will ask for employer information to determine that indeed you have paychecks coming to you After all your proof of employment is the only collateral that you need to show while availing of payday loans
No Contact InformationSite Address
When availing of payday loans whether you are a greenhorn or a veteran in the field you will have questions to ask of and complaints to file with the money lending company It is thus very important to look for the e-mail address phone numbers and physical site of the online company with which you are planning to file an application for a cash loan
If you dont see these information clearly displayed on the website run in the other direction You are endangering sensitive information like your bank account and social security numbers if you dont move on to the next lender Keep in mind that there are scams where the abovementioned information can and will be used against your interests
Pay Fee before Loans Release
Most legitimate lenders will deduct the fees involved in payday loans only after these have been released to the individuals availing of the cash advances Thus if you come across a money lender that charges an application fee up-front run in the other direction as fast as you can
In a normal cash advance with a legit lender you will receive the money net of applicable fees You might think that the fees are usurious but you have to remember that the company takes a relatively high risk of late payments and worse non-payments
Vague Contract Details
The contract with which you sign your name into must be clear on the terms and conditions of the loan For your own protection read it even when you are not one to peruse the fine prints For example the APR must be in bold print
Otherwise you might just find yourself fleeced of your money by as much as 50 percent You would not want that on your already strained pockets would you
In conclusion when looking for payday loans when its too good to be true it probably is too good to be true You are not as desperate for money as to fall for that one
Money Loans Company - Payday Loans and Cash Advance
20 Eglinton Ave East
Toronto Ontario Canada
M4P 1A9
Tags : Fast Loan,Fast Approval,Payday Loans,Cash Loans,Quick Cash,note personal loans