A personal loan is very much like any other traditional loan When you apply you will be required to submit information relating to your income and the lender will review your credit report to determine your eligibility If youre approved for a personal loan you will be assigned an interest rate and monthly payment in accordance with the repay agreement In most cases a personal loan is designed to be repaid within several years and in order to be approved for a personal loan the lender will determine how much you can afford based on your current income and debts
A payday loan as the name implies is designed as an advance on your next paycheck In order to qualify you must be 18 years of age or older and the only things that you need are a bank account and a job with steady income Self-employed individuals are not generally eligible for payday loans Because most payday lenders do not access a credit report your credit history or lack thereof will not be a determining factor in your eligibility to receive a payday loan Instead of charging an interest rate on the loan payday lenders charge a set fee per every $10000 borrowed which typically ranges from $1000 to $3000 On a $100000 loan you could end up paying an additional $10000 to $30000 in fees This means that payday loans are more expensive than traditional loans but they offer fast cash for those who need it Payday loans are issued within 24 hours of the application in most cases
If you are trying to decide between payday loans and personal loans one of the greatest factors to consider is how much money you need to borrow Payday loans typically do not exceed $150000 whereas personal loans can be much higher If you need quick cash payday loans can offer it but the rates are much higher than with unsecured personal loans If you have a limited or poor credit history you may find it difficult to find approval for a personal loan In some cases lenders will issue bad credit personal loans but the interest rates will be somewhat higher If a traditional loan is simply not feasible a payday loan may be the only answer In general people typically apply for payday loans for emergency reasons
The information contained in this article is designed to be used for reference purposes only It should not be used in place of or in conjunction with professional financial advice relating to the personal loans or payday loans In addition this article is not to be used as a recommendation for any type of loan or other similar process Check with a lender who specializes in these types of loans for additional information on payday loans or personal loans
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