Applying for instant payday loan product is quite easy and simple The borrowers can employ the same amount for catering to number of purposes without inviting any unwanted attention from the lenders side Usually people prefer these loan products to meet their urgent needs that cannot be postponed in any way be it whatsoever But for getting such loans the borrowers will have to furnish some important credentials
These loan products can be obtained if the borrower meets the minimum eligibility criteria Another important thing to mention over here is the fact that this loan option is exclusively meant for residents of UK only So any UK citizen aged 18 or more can only apply for it Moreover the borrower should also have an active bank account in the UK along with the debit card for proceeding with the transactions Also the borrower must have a permanent income source with the minimum salary of 1000 per month to back hisher loan plea Meanwhile the borrower should be an employee of company on regular basis
The bad credit holders like CCJs County Court Judgements IVAs Individual Voluntary Arrangements arrears defaulters missed payments etc can also arrange the loan product to cater to their instantaneous cash needs Along with it the borrowers who dont possess any precious asset to be pledged as collateral can also avail this loan product as it is a collateral-free form of financial assistance
The amount thus accessed can be employed for meeting several small and short term expenses like electricity bills grocery expenses education fees home or car repair unexpected medical expenses and so on
Under this form of financial aid borrowers can avail loan amount ranging from 80 to 750 The amount offered depends on personal circumstances of the borrower hisher income and of course market conditions As far as the repayment goes the availed amount can be repaid back easily within 14-21 days or till decided payday Meanwhile the APR Annual Percentage Rate offered is little bit on the higher side in comparison to personal loans Thus for availing the best deal the borrower must compare first and then select the best e out of the available lot to bag a pocket-friendly deal
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