When deciding whether college student credit cards are good or bad you need to weigh the facts These three truths will help you come to your own conclusion
1 Aggressive Marketing
College student credit cards have gotten a bad rap when it comes to their marketing tactics -- and some would say that its for good reason You cant hit a single college campus without coming across at least one application for college student credit cards
That being said while the applications are definitely readily available to put it lightly no one is forcing college students to sign the application Its the responsibility of a parent to instruct their children on wise financial decisions
The credit card companies are marketing their product -- thats what they do Parents need to do their part and make sure that they instruct their children in the ways of the credit world
2 Theyve Got to Grow Up Sometime
Everyone has to grow up sooner or later and college student credit cards can provide some priceless lessons in the world of adult finance For the first time college students can be responsible for their own spending and their own monthly bills
Yes college student credit cards can provide the potential for disaster but so can a number of situations that students encounter in college Just because student credit cards have the potential to be misused it doesnt mean that they will be Have some faith in todays college students
3 Paving the Way
Once a college student graduates theyre going to need some things a place to live and a car to name a few and theyre going to need credit to get the things they need If they dont start building their credit history in college when are they supposed to do it
If a college student wants to be completely prepared when they graduate theyre going to need to work on building a solid credit history while theyre in school College student credit cards can be the means to that end
If you know a college student or are a college student who has been debating about whether college student credit cards are good or bad consider the above three facts and remember its not college student credit cards themselves that are good are bad -- it is who is using them and how they are being used that make the difference
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