Pay day loans are loans which do not require any sort of security to be submitted and are generally given based on cash advances Cash advances are provided against a credit card The consumers previous employment records and credits are seen before the loan is given out To protect the consumer from unjust levy of interest the annual percentage are regulated by the legislation
The payday loans work more on trust than anything The lenders face the risk of losing the money or the risk of default rate is also present The default rate is calculated to be around 10-20The procedure for obtaining a payday loan is also quite simple The consumer needs to approach the lender with the money he needs and gets the loan against a particular interest The loan has to be repaid when the consumer receives his next paycheck The consumers pay record and employment records are verified before the money is lent
The lender runs a small shop from which he operates The consumers need to hand out a postdated check to the lender after calculating the interest The check is en cashed after the borrower gets his pay The check serves as a guarantee The borrower usually reports to the shop to give back the money he borrowed If the borrower fails to pay the money on the due day then the lender can charge an extra fee for late payment Online payday loans are also available The money is wired electronically to the borrower
These cheap payday loans in an hour can availed within an hours time and this serves as a boon for many consumers Payday loans are a common mans delight
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