What is Business Cash Advance
Business cash advance from this alternative funding institution gives small business owners an unsecured cash advance up to $250000 within 7 days These alternative financing solutions unlike traditional business loans has a direct link to your transactions as it is solely based on future credit card sales As a repayment norm this cash advance purchases only a small proportion of your upcoming credit card sales Unlike traditional small business loans this cash advance is much faster and is effortlessly achievable
How Is Cash Advance Responsible For Your Business Growth
Business cash advance does not ask you for a security collateral or personal guarantee which is a relief for small time business owners Apart from that the small business owner does not need to have excellent monetary back up or an extended business history You are assigned for it without bearing any additional cost like closing fees hidden charges or startup cost This cash advance program causes less botheration to you in terms of paperwork
Take a quick look at the benefits of the cash advance
Requires no security collateral
Approval is quite quick
You require no personal guarantee
You have flexible payment schedule
You receive your funds within 7 days
Approval rate close is to 95
No Applications required
Transactions Should Roll Through Credit Cards for Cash Advance
If you are applying for a cash advance program then your monthly transactions should roll in through either debit or credit cards At the same time the transactions should be a minimum of $5000 per month
Make A Single Page Application for Cash Advance
As this cash advance program is based on future credit card sales so you need to make a single page application comprising of 3 months bank statement and 4 months credit card processing statement
Basic Requirements of Business Cash Advance Eligibility
The first and foremost thing that you need to do for this merchant cash advance program is make a registration with the United States In addition to that your business transactions should be a minimum of $5000 through credit or debit card Lastly the small business owners should also be current with their lease
Use Cash Advance for Your Own Business Needs
The alternative funds that you receive can be used for any business purpose like renovation business expansion inventory stock building and for that you do not need to give an explanation mentioning the specific use or purpose
Enjoy a Flexible Pay Back Norm
With business cash advance you dont have the added tension of paying a fixed monthly sum This cash advance program is directly linked with your business and so you have the liberty to repay as per your business conditions This means that you pay less when your business does not do well and vice versa Unlike traditional bank loans you do not have to undertake any burden of late fees
Whatsoever is your intention for additional business financing small business owners can easily avail it and fulfill their credit need
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