Bad credit payday loans can be considered as a package which serves for two purposes they are
Financial assistance
Improves credit score
Bad credit payday loans are an effective source of finance which supports in the crisis situation when no other source is left But it has been observed that bad credit payday loans are bit expensive as compared to other source of finance The reason may be that firstly bad credit score and secondly that the lender doesnt ask for collateral against the loan amount Lender balances his risk involved in loan by means of charging high rate of interest It also helps in improving credit score but only when duly and timely repayments are made
Bad credit payday loans provide instant cash for sudden arisen expenses But credit cards is also a source of instant cash but they are not recommended because of two reason that is they are very expensive and carries very high rate of interest and another reason is that through credit cards you can easily get in the trap of debts
Being a short term loan it has to be repaid within short span of time that is within 15 days to 30 days It is also absolutely right to say that bad credit payday loans fill the gap with required finance when the paycheque is not sufficient to meet all the expenses
As there is no collateral involved in bad credit payday loan but you will be required to provide post dated cheque which gives the lender a sense of security that repayments will be made on time And if anyhow repayments are not made on time then the lender can take legal action and also it will worsen your credit score which will make impossible for you to procure funds in future from the financial market
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