Having no credit or bad credit puts you in a terrible position to negotiate a loan that you need now Times are a bit unstable for you and you just need that loan until payday
Your $200 loan can be made with a postdated check for about $240 unless with some companies you get a 10 introductory offer You have 14 days to pay off the loan or let them cash your check Thats a pretty simple process You might even get an introductory rate that is half of the standard rate What a deal
Two weeks comes around and you dont have the money to pay off the loan That is not a problem with these companies because they are willing to extend your loan now and even again after the next 2 weeks Now you are seeing the lure of the cheap payday loan Extensions and introductory rates
In fact your cheap payday loan is one of the worst risk you can take even if the loan interests are offered at half The 10 rate is often the come on that the company will offer the new prospect You can build confidence in that company and youll come back time and time again These loans can be tempting and easy to fall prey to
You must pay good attention to the fact that your new lender has his best interest in mind and not yours He is in business to make money from you Borrowing small amounts of money for short periods has it down side and you should be aware of that before you make a cheap payday loan
You are in need of money so call your lenders and make some arrangements to pay your bills in installments Being honest and upfront avoids the nightmare of trying to weasel and wiggle out of financial responsibilities Just give it a try this time You may be surprised to be offered a payment schedule
Talking about payday loans is already beyond when you needed the money Try to face a budget and allow yourself some restraint and avoidance of non-emergency spending Setting up some payment to your lender will also help you establish the credit you need for making better affordable and lower interest loans in the future
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